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Alternation, I'm thinking?

Starting with the animation project I'm thinking it'll make sense to try to alternate between talking about the projects, so from now on I won't talk about both in one post, unless I have an interesting comparison/contrast or something, to try to try keep the blog clear.

I type too much of what I think... I need to try dumb that down a little.

Anyway, my animation project is about...

The Sun and Rabbit...

By day these are the characters you'll be watching.

The sun keeping a watchful eye on the rabbit.

The rabbit, mindless and care free as he is, kinda needs the sun to look after him... Even if he's taken for granted and not appreciated.

The Moon and Fox...

And then as it reaches evening, the Moon and fox step into the scene.

The fox as mindless as the rabbit, just looking to get himself a meal, but generally ending the evening hungry and hunting lesser foods by night, when the fox has hidden in his hole.

More appreciative, the moon begins to help the fox with ideas to capture the rabbit...


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. .Click here to see larger image. ---- 3 Megs ---- .